Freitag, 31. Mai 2013


Guys, I did it!!!! :D
I actually did it!! :D
I'm accepted at the University of Veterinary Medicine!!!!! <33 1687="" 213="" am="" and="" applicants="" get="" i="" into="" it="" lucky="" of="" one="" ones="" p="" to="">I'm so freaking happy!!!! :D

Montag, 20. Mai 2013


So apparently Yahoo bought Tumblr.
I don't like that. I really don't like that at all.
They want to make it more "family friendly". How are they going to do that?!
Add more ads? Like Facebook?
I really loved Tumblr and I am afraid that they will change very much...

Dienstag, 14. Mai 2013

Surgery and A-levels Part 3

Sooo I had a surgery today. And at the moment it hurts like hell, but I mustn't take another pain killer yet (I have to wait for one more hour....). But I know it'll be alright. :)

And I succeded in all of my written A-level exams :DDD Oral A-levels left ;)

Freitag, 3. Mai 2013

A-levels..... again

On Monday's the start of my A-levels.......
And I wasn't nervous or anything until now.....
Now I have a crisis T-T
I guess tonight I will be sitting in my bed crying.
And tomorrow's okay again ^^'
I can feel that ^^'